
Novels, Collections and Essays

1975Salem's LotNovel
1977The ShiningNovel
RageNovelas Richard Bachman
1978Night ShiftCollection
The StandNovel
1979The Long WalkNovelas Richard Bachman
The Dead ZoneNovel
1981RoadworkNovelas Richard Bachman
Danse MacabreEssay
1982The Running ManNovelas Richard Bachman
The Dark Tower I: The GunslingerNovel
Different SeasonsCollection
The Plant Part OneNovel
Pet SemataryNovel
The Plant Part TwoNovel
Cycle of the WerewolfNovel
1984The TalismanNovel
1985Skeleton CrewCollection
The Bachman BooksCollection
Silver BulletNovel
The Plant Part ThreeNovel
1987The Eyes of the DragonNovel
The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the ThreeNovel
The TommyknockersNovel
1988Nightmares in the SkyEssay
1989The Dark HalfNovel
1990The Stand, The Complete & Uncut EditionNovel
Four Past MidnightCollection
1991The Dark Tower III: The Waste LandsNovel
Needful ThingsNovel
1992Gerald's GameNovel
Dolores ClaiborneNovel
1993Nightmares & DreamscapesCollection
1994Mid-Life ConfidentialEssay
1995Rose MadderNovel
1996The Green MileNovel
The RegulatorsNovel
1997Six StoriesCollection
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and GlassNovel
1998Bag of BonesNovel
1999Storm of the CenturyScreenplay
The Girl Who Loved Tom GordonNovel
Hearts in AtlantisCollection
2000The Plant, Book One - Zenith RisingNovel
On WritingEssay
Secret WindowsCollection
Black HouseNovel
2002Everything's EventualCollection
From a Buick 8Novel
2003The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger - Expanded and Revised EditionNovel
The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the CallaNovel
2004The Dark Tower VI: Song of SusannahNovel
The Dark Tower VII: The Dark TowerNovel
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: A Pop Up BookChilden's Book
2005The Colorado KidNovel
Salem's Lot - Illustrated EditionNovel
Lisey's StoryNovel
2008Duma KeyNovel
Just After SunsetCollection
2009Under the DomeNovel
2010Full Dark, No StarsCollection
2012The Wind through the KeyholeNovel
Doctor SleepNovel
2014Mr. MercedesNovelFirst part of Hodges Trilogy
2015Finders KeepersNovelSecond part of Hodges Trilogy
The Bazaar of Bad DreamsCollection
2016End of WatchNovelFinal part of Hodges Trilogy
Hearts in SuspensionEssay
Charlie the Choo-ChooChilden's Bookas Beryl Evans
2017Gwendy’s Button BoxNovelFirst part of Gwendy Trilogy
Sleeping BeautiesNovel
2018The OutsiderNovel
Elevation – United StatesNovel
2019The InstituteNovel
Gwendy's Magic FeatherNovelSecond part of Gwendy Trilogy. Written by Richard Chizmar
2020If It BleedsCollection
Billy SummersNovel
2022Gwendy's Final TaskNovelFinal part of Gwendy Trilogy
Fairy TaleNovel
2024You Like it DarkerCollection

Short Stories, Novellas and Poetry

StoryTypeFirst AppearanceCollection/Anthology
1964The Star InvadersShortTriad, Inc., and Gaslight BooksUncollected
1965I Was a Teenage Grave RobberShortComics Review #3Uncollected
1966The 43rd DreamShortThe DrumUncollected
In a Half World of TerrorShortStories of Suspense #2Uncollected
1967The Glass FloorShortStartling Mystery Stories #1Uncollected
1968Here There Be TygersShortUbris, SpringSkeleton Crew
Caine Rose UpShortUbris, SpringSkeleton Crew
Strawberry SpringShortUbris, FallNight Shift
1969Night SurfShortUbris, SpringNight Shift
The Reaper’s ImageShortStartling Mystery Stories #12Skeleton Crew
Stud CityShortUbris, FallUncollected
1970SladeShortThe Summer Campus, June 11Uncollected
Graveyard ShiftShortCavalier, OctoberNight Shift
SilencePoemMothThe Devil's Wine
Donovan's BrainPoemMothThe Devil's Wine
Squad DShortShivers VIII
1971The Blue Air CompressorShortOnanUncollected
I Am the DoorwayShortCavalier, MarchNight Shift
1972Suffer the Little ChildrenShortCavalier, FebruaryNightmares & Dreamscapes
The Fifth QuarterShortCavalier, AprilNightmares & Dreamscapes
BattlegroundShortCavalier, SeptemberNight Shift
The ManglerShortCavalier, DecemberNight Shift